There is a wide range of services for optimising recruitment. And yet a crucial question often remains: How to transition from nepotism to a transparent recruitment process? - Is that even possible?
We support you with ...
- Employer branding: The positioning of your organisation to the outside
- Staffing plan: Definition and set up
- Recruiting process: Who to recruit when, how, where, why and under what conditions?
- Job description versus job profile
- Introduction of an online application process
- Where and how is the applicant market? – “Fish where the fish are!”
- Internal and external job advertisements: What to look for?
- Candidate application management: The stages of successful recruitment – from longlist via shortlist to the identified candidate
- Successful application: meaningful CV, appealing application letter and a positive job interview
- Selection process: from written and oral tests to practical exercises
- References and work certificates
- Women’s quota: yes / no?
- Soft skills: Recognition and evaluation during the application and onboarding phase