What others say about us
Waqas Malik
Programme Director “Knowledge for Nutrition”
GIZ Brussels, Belgium
„This week we had our workshop and it was really successful. It was clear to see that the group was now acting much more like a team. That was nice to see, and a big thank you to you for your work!“
Henrike Hilgenfeld
Head of Project “PEACECORE- Strengthening Capacities for Peace Building & Conflict Resolution in Nigeria’s Middle Belt”, GIZ
Abuja, Nigeria
“Dear Jens, Thank you very much for the final report and your very effective commitment to supporting PPBA organizational development. We really appreciated your commitment and your way of working together and saw you as a very reliable, professional and independent consultant. So exactly what we were looking for and what constitutes REAL support in the very challenging project reality in Nigeria.”
“Lieber Jens, ganz herzlichen Dank für den finalen Report und deinen sehr effektiven Einsatz zur Unterstützung der PPBA Organisationsentwicklung. Wir haben deinen Einsatz und deine Art der Zusammenarbeit sehr geschätzt und dich als sehr zuverlässigen, professionellen und eigenständigen Gutachter wahrgenommen. Quasi genau das, was wir suchten und was WIRKLICHE Unterstützung ausmacht in der sehr herausfordernden Projektrealität in Nigeria.”
Damayanthi Fernando
Director General, Insurance Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka
“Mr. Jens Debus made use of his excellent theoretical and practical knowledge on human resource management and made recommendations to IRCSL with a good pragmatic approach. Despite the COVID 19 pandemic, his arrival to Sri Lanka endorsed his commitment towards the assignment. His openness to discuss organizational HR issues, empathy towards stakeholders, identification of root causes, adaptability to different cultures, excellence in communication, training expertise and futuristic proactive thinking brought enormous value to the assignment.”
“Jens මහතා, මානව සම්පත් කළමණාකරනය පිළිබඳව ඔහු සතුව ඇති න්යායාත්මක හා ප්රායෝගික දැනුම ඉතා මැනවින් යොදා ගනිමින් හොඳ ප්රායෝගික ප්රවේශයක් සහිත නිර්දේශයන් රක්ෂණ නියාමන කොමිෂන් සභාව වෙත ඉදිරිපත් කරන ලදි. COVID 19 වසංගතය නොතකා, ශ්රී ලංකාවට පැමිණීමෙන් පවරන ලද ව්යාපෘතිය සඳහා ඔහු තුළ වූ කැපවීම පෙන්වීය. ආයතනික මානව සම්පත් ගැටළු සාකච්ඡා කිරීම සඳහා ඔහු තුළ වූ විවෘතභාවය, පාර්ශ්වකරුවන් කෙරෙහි දැක්වූ සංවේදනය, ගැටඵ වලට අදාල මූල හේතු හඳුනාගැනීම සඳහා ඇති හැකියාව , විවිධ සංස්කෘතීන්ට අනුවර්තනය වීමේ හැකියාව, සන්නිවේදනයේ දැක් වූ විශිෂ්ටත්වය, පුහුණු වැඩසටහන් පැවැත්වීම කෙරෙහි දැක්වූ විශේෂඥතාව සහ අනාගත ක්රියාශීලී චින්තනය පැවරුමට විශාල වටිනාකමක් ගෙන ආවේය.”
Kristian Schach Møller
CEO Agricultural Commodity Exchange for Africa (ACE), Lilongwe, Malawi
“The work hr international has provided to ACE has by far exceeded any expectation I had. Within a short period of time they have understood our business and our people. The amazing way how they have engaged with staff especially during the leadership training has made a sustainable impact. Jens and Margit have left us at a very good place – they have set many boats in motion and it is now up to ACE to navigate these to their shores.”
“hr international’s indsats og aftryk hos ACE har overgået enhver forventning. Inden for en kort periode havde de forstået vores forretning og vores folk. Den fantastiske måde, hvorpå de har engageret sig med personalet, især under lederuddannelsen, har haft en bæredygtig effekt. Jens og Margit har forladt os et meget godt sted – de har sat mange både i vandet, og det er nu op til ACE at navigere dem til deres kyster.”
Joseph Lengmang
Director General, Plateau State Peace Building Agency (PPBA), Jos, Nigeria
“The impact of my meeting with you earlier is quite tremendous and I must thank you for your sense of professionalism and teaching style.”
Anette Paschen
Program Manager “Supporting the reform of the water sector in DR Congo”, GIZ
Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo
“With Jens Debus in the DR Congo, we always get the results we want in the given timeframe. Working with him is inspiring and sustainable, as he knows how to get project staff and partners on board and make things happen.”
“Mit Jens Debus erreichen wir in der DR Kongo immer in der vorgesehenen Zeit die Resultate, die wir uns vornehmen. Die Zusammenarbeit mit ihm verläuft inspirierend und nachhaltig, da er es versteht, Projektmitarbeiter wie auch Partner mit ins Boot zu holen und Dinge voranzubringen.”
Isabell Orth
Head of Administration and Finance, GIZ Country Office
Lomé, Togo
“hr international consulting gmbh has assisted the GIZ Togo country office in setting up a professional HR department, in particular in a context of workforce growth and a 50% increase in the portfolio. The technical support provided by Mr. Debus is characterized above all by high quality and many years of experience in HR. His analytical approach enabled us to structure the challenges of the global HRM strategy.”
“hr international consulting gmbh hat das Landesbüro der GIZ Togo beim Aufbau einer professionellen HR-Abteilung begleitet und insbesondere den starken Personalaufwuchs im Rahmen der Portfoliosteigerung von 50% effizient aufgesetzt. Die fachliche Unterstützung durch Herrn Debus ist vor allem durch hohe Qualität und langjährige Erfahrung im HR-Bereich gekennzeichnet. Seine analytische Herangehensweise ermöglichte es uns, die Herausforderungen der globalen Personalumsetzungsstrategie strukturiert anzugehen..”
Ueli Müller
Program Manager “Biodiversity and forestry program”, GIZ
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
“Jens Debus advises our African partner organisations on institutional reforms. He gives suggestions, examples, accompanies change processes and leads the partners to their own innovative solutions for their institutions. That’s what makes him very successful in technical cooperation.”
“Jens DEBUS berät unsere afrikanischen Partnerorganisationen bei institutionellen Reformen. Er gibt Anregungen, Beispiele, begleitet Veränderungsprozesse und führt die Partner zu eigenen innovativen Lösungen für ihre Institutionen. Genau das macht ihn sehr erfolgreich in der Technischen Zusammenarbeit.”
Jesús Juan Motilla Chávez
Manager People & Culture EU, Philip Morris International
Lausanne, Switzerland
“At the beginning of my career I had the opportunity to work with Jens Debus. He has definitely been one of my main teachers and mentors in the field of international human resources management. Jens is characterized by his experience, discipline, attention to detail and especially his human touch, for which he has the respect and admiration of his colleagues and co-workers.”
“A inicios de mi carrera tuve la oportunidad de trabajar con Jens Debus. Definitivamente ha sido uno de mis principales maestros y mentores en materia de gestión internacional de recursos humanos. A Jens lo caracterizan su experiencia, disciplina, atención al detalle y en especial su toque humano, por lo que cuenta con el respeto y admiración de sus colegas y colaboradores.”
Martijn ter Heegde
Program Coordinator for the KfW program for the conservation of biodiversity and sustainable forestry management in the DR Congo
Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo
“Jens is a good strategist and due to his persuasiveness he can bring various stakeholders on board. He quickly understands both the larger picture and the steps needed to achieve the overall goal. Under his inspiring leadership, we have achieved important results in challenging circumstances. Jens was always able to effectively explain complex problems to the public and to get the support of important decision makers. His energy and leadership were essential for our success.”
“Jens is een goed strateeg en door zijn overtuigingskracht kan hij verschillende belanghebbenden aan boord brengen. Hij begrijpt snel zowel het grotere beeld als de stappen die nodig zijn om het algemene doel te bereiken. Onder zijn inspirerende leiderschap hebben we belangrijke resultaten geboekt in uitdagende omstandigheden. Jens was altijd in staat om complexe problemen effectief aan het publiek uit te leggen en om de steun van belangrijke besluitvormers te krijgen. Zijn energie en leiderschap waren essentieel voor ons succes.”
Kumera Wakjira Gemeda
Director General, EWCA
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
“Jens Debus supports the Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Authority with its high competence and professionalism in developing our organisational structure. This will change wildlife conservation management in Ethiopia. We are very grateful for his excellent work and friendly support and would like to continue working with him.”
“ሚ.ር ዬንስ ዴቡስ ባላቸው ከፍተኛ የትምህርትና የሙያ ክህሎት ለኢ ዮጵያ ዱር እንስሳት ልትማትና ጥበቃባ ለስልጣን አዲሰ መዋቅር በማዘጋጀት የላቀ የሙያ እገዛ እየሰጡ ይገኛሉ፡፡ ይህ የአዲሰ የመዋቅር ለውጥ የዱር እንስሳት ልትማትና ጥበቃ ሥራውን ወደ ላቀ ደረጃ ለማሸጋገር ከፍተኛ አስተዋጽኦ ይኖረዋል፡፡ ስለዚህ ሚ.ር ዬንስ ዴቡስ እያበረከቱ ላለው ከፍተኛ ሙያዊ ግልጋሎት የባለስልጣን መ/ቤቱ ከፍተኛ አክብሮትና ምስጋና ያለው ሲሆን ይህ ሙያዊ እገዛ ወደፊት በበለጠ ደረጃ ተጠናክሮ እንዲቀጥል ያለንን ፍላጎት መግልጽ እንወዳለን፡፡”
Vivian Maibritt Høgh Viskum
Senior Manager Global Mobility, LEGO Group
Billund, Denmark
“When I started my career in global mobility, Jens was my leader and a great teacher and mentor. During this period I learned the basics of global mobility. Jens once said to me, ‘become a specialist in an area where you will always be strong’.”
“Da jeg begyndte min karriere i Global Mobility, var Jens min leder og en fantastisk lærer og mentor. I denne periode lærte jeg fundamentet i Global Mobility. Jens sagde engang til mig ‘bliv en specialist indenfor et område, hvor du altid vil være stærk’.”
Vincent Kasulu Seya Makonga
State Secretary for Environment and Nature Conservation
Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo
“Your very good conceptual skills in the field of job planning and job descriptions for the General Secretariat of Environment and Nature Conservation have shaped me very much, coupled with your great understanding for listening, as well as your excellent communication and adaptability skills. This has been very successful when working together with young staff and older retiring executives in a heterogeneous and competitive environment.”
“Vos très bonnes capacités intellectuelles dans le dossier de description des postes et du cadre organique du Secrétariat General à l’Environnement et à la Conservation de la Nature m’ont beaucoup marquées, doublées de votre sens élevé de l’écoute et d’excellentes facultés de communication et d’adaptation en travaillant dans un milieu hétérogène et compétitif des jeunes et vieux cadres tendant à la retraite.”
Tatyana Subacheva
HR Director, “Imperial Tobacco Ukraine”
Kiev, Ukraine
“I am proud to have known Jens Debus for more than 20 years and our cooperation has always been excellent. Jens is a very charismatic person with tremendous communication skills and solid awareness in the relationships of different cultures. His great respect for different people, nations and cultures gives him the opportunity to establish effective and constructive relationships.”
“Я горжусь тем, что знаю Йенса Дебуса более 20 лет и наше сотрудничество всегда было прекрасным. Йенс – очень харизматическая личность с потрясающими навыками коммуникации и с солидной осведомленностью во взаимоотношениях различных культур. Его огромное уважение к различным людям, нациям и культурам дает ему возможность устанавливать эффективные и конструктивные отношения.”
Philippe Castermans
Hydraulic engineer
“In the DR Congo, we worked together in difficult field mission conditions, where I appreciated Jens Debus’ professional rigor and attentiveness, which made it possible to draw the best complementarity between our engineering and HR profiles, for a result highly appreciated by the customer.”
“Nous avons réalisé ensemble en RDC des missions en conditions de terrain difficiles, où j’ai apprécié la rigueur professionnelle et l’écoute de Jens Debus, qui a permis de tirer le meilleur des complémentarités entre nos profils d’ingénieur et de RH, pour un résultat très apprécié par le client.”
Cheik Fall
Director of Development and Rehabilitation, REGIDESO
Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo
“Jens Debus is an expert in organisational development and knows the private business world precisely. He knows how to empathise with his operational environment, in the organisation, to use its power and to increase performance. For Jens, every position must play its part in strengthening the organisation.”
“Monsieur Jens Debus est un expert en développement organisationnel qui a une profonde connaissance du monde de l’entreprise. Il sait se fondre dans son milieu d’intervention, l’entreprise, afin d’utiliser les forces de celle-ci, pour la mettre sur la voie de la performance. Pour Jens chaque poste de travail doit démontrer sa contribution à la formation de la richesse de l’entreprise.”
Endaweke Wendem Bogalefe
Expert in Conservation Research, Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Authority
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
“We have developed an excellent new structure for the Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Authority, with clear job descriptions and a very good validation workshop. With a similar work in the Democratic Republic of Congo, you are really devoting yourself to the transformation of Africa. Great! Many thanks!”
“ለኢትዮጵያ ዱር እንስሳት ልማትና ጥበቃ ባለሥልጣን ፣ እጅግ በጣም የጠራ የድርጅት መዋቅርና ግልፅ የሥራ ዝርዝር መገለጫዎችን አዘጋጅተን ሁሉም ባለድርሻዎች በተሳተፉበት ስብሰባ አፅድቀናል፡፡ ለዴሞክራቲክ ኮንጎም ተመሳሳይ የጥራት ደረጃውን የጠበቀ ሥራ እየሠሩ መሆኑን አረጋግጠናል፡፡ አፍሪካን ለማበልፀግ ያለዎትን ፅኑ ፍላጎትና የከፈሉትን መስዋዕትነት በግልፅ የሚያሣይ ነው፡፡ ታላቅ ሥራ ነው ! እናመሰግናለን!”
Béni Ntemo Nzambi
HR employee, REGIDESO
Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo
“I met Jens a year and a half ago and we worked together in one of the big companies in the DR Congo for an HR and organisational development (OD) project. For me, Jens is someone who perfectly masters HR and OD, because his knowledge has enabled me to acquire very good skills. They helped me to work as an HR and OD expert in every institution I can imagine.”
“Jens, nayebani naye esali mbula moko na ndambu, bisika wapi na sali naye mosala na mabongisami ya RH pe DO na société moko ya monene na République Démocratique du Congo. Pona ngai, Jens azali moto oyo ayebi na bozindo makasi mosala ya RH pe DO pamba te boyebi mosala naye esungi ngai nazua mayele mingi oyo ekoki kosunga ngai na sala na bisika nionso nalingi kosala lokola moto oyo ayebi malamu malamu RH pe DO.”