An anthropologist showed a game to the children of an African tribe. He placed a basket of fruit under a tree and said to them, “The first child to reach the tree gets the basket.”
When he gave them the signal to start, he was surprised that they walked together, holding hands until they reached the tree. When he asked them why they had done this, they replied with astonishment: “Ubuntu!” and explained: “How can one of us be happy when the others are unhappy?”
Ubuntu means in the Bantu language: “I am because we are.” It is the secret of their happiness.
hri in profile
Who we are
hr international consulting gmbh is located in Berlin, but the world is our home. Organisational development and HR management characterise the two focal points of our consulting services which we have been passionately promoting for many years at eye level in six languages.
Our vision
Every employee should find her/his right and valuable workplace in an efficient organisation.
Our mission
We question existing structures and systems and accompany the efficient symbiosis of personnel and organisational development through our many years of experience and our “human touch”. Forward looking, we value a participatory project implementation with our customers and partners.
Our values
We live the openness and curiosity for cultural differences.
We live the mutual respect and a trustful cooperation with our customers and partners.
We live the guarantee of high ethical, qualitative and scientific standards.
We go for the extra mile that makes a positive difference.
Our History
Foreign countries, their cultures, people and languages have fascinated Jens Debus since his earliest youth. Thus it was only logical for him wanting to write his first diploma thesis on the subject of “international HR management”. However, there was neither sufficient literature nor sufficient need for this. At that time, HR management was strictly national – with rules for labour law, social security & tax legislation or remuneration policies. Cross-border talent management or even uniform bonus programs for executives? – Nope!
Years later, Jens’ disappointment with his unapproved thesis topic has long since vanished. Professionally, he is involved in international HR management. His coach compares him during a session in the Austrian Alps with a canoeist in a raging white water creek – loving every change in the course of the river and running to its peak when it becomes critical. But when the creek goes into a wide, calm river, it gets boring for Jens. He then gets out and looks for a new creek.
Ten years later, Jens takes a break from work. Counter clockwise he travels around the African continent. In 9 months he crosses 40 countries – by bus, car and shared taxi, by train, boat and dugout, on a bike and the back of a donkey, walking and even swimming but rarely by plane. “Time out in Africa” is the name of his blog, in which he captures his journey and his numerous encounters with the most diverse population groups. He gets to know a continent – and falls in love with its people. The fascination is still very present.
Jens combines his two passions for organisational development and for the African continent – and lays the foundation for a pioneering future in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. After all, Africa needs more than doctors and well builders.
Jens ventures again into unknown waters – and establishes hr international consulting gmbh, based in Berlin. His focus remains on international development cooperation, but not only in Africa – the raging white water creek will not turn too soon into a wide calm river for him.
On 20th November 2022 we celebrated 5 years of excitement, success and a truly international HR journey! – Teambuilding in Ethiopia – Employee Engagement Survey in Hong Kong – Employee Handbook in Dominica – Workforce Report and target organisation in DR Congo – Leadership Training in Malawi – Institutional Strengthening in Nigeria – HR policy advice in Sri Lanka – Strengthening the HR department in Togo – Career counselling and coaching in Ivory Coast – HR training course in the Republic of Congo… These are just a few examples of what we have contributed to driving people’s success in our client organisations. Where will we work next? Can’t wait to discover. Thank you for all your support and trust.
Our Team
Jens Debus
Managing Partner | Senior Advisor HR & Organisational Development
More than 25 years of professional experience, including more than 15 years in responsible international HR leadership positions in various sectors of the private and public sector. Competent, reliable, successful.
Christiane Debus
Assistant Finance & Administration
Financial and administrative project management, accounting, tax and office management.